Student Garments

Gretchen won the Ohio Adult Wool Contest for this ensemble in 2023

in Nevada

in Nevada

Each wearing their own adaptations of Vogue 1360

Houston, TX

At the 2013 ASG Fashion Show, in dresses that they each designed from the same lace.
Photo by Trap the Light Photography
At the ASG Fashion Show - designs by Sarah Veblen, Rae Cumbie, and Sarah’s student, Monica
Gaye, a beginner sewer, in a dress that she fit guided by Sarah’s book
Gaye, a beginner sewer, in a top that she fit guided by Sarah’s book

A local student of Sarah’s

It’s a treat for me to see photos of garments that my students have made. Other students also find them both instructive and inspirational. I invite all my students who would like to share their work in this gallery to send me images (
To see garments that current and past mentorship students have created, see the gallery on the Mentorship page.
What students are saying…
“I wanted to thank you again for all the sewing knowledge that you have shared with me. Our work together has truly enriched my sewing life.”
“My greatest thanks to you, Sarah. You are truly an inspiration for the home sewist.”